Hello friends. As you've no doubt noticed, it's that time of year again. Specifically, the day after Thanksgiving, and I've already eaten the traditional day-after-Thanksgiving-turkey-ham-and-sauerkraut omelette, so all that's left to do is start on this year's Wired for Music Holiday Music That Doesn't Suck Playlist. This year's list has some artists who've been featured here before but who have a lot more to offer in the holiday music arena, some classic rockers who have never cracked the list before, and as always some acts that are new to me but have something valuable to add to the overstuffed stocking that is holiday music.
It's always hard for me to edit these down to a reasonable size, so I've usually ended up redefining "reasonable" to be "however many tracks are left when I no longer feel like cutting" but this year was especially challenging - maybe because I really let myself go last year, or maybe because converging is harder than diverging, or maybe just because I get so excited about each song I come across that doesn't suck that I want to share it with everyone. I've already got more than enough in my holding pen for next year's playlist, and that's before I wade through all the stuff that's coming in the next few weeks. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, this year's playlist...I've got a full glass of home-made eggnog (this year I finally learned that aging makes it good), my Yankee Candle "Christmas Cookie" housewarmer lit, and my headphones on, so let's get to it, shall we?